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Kids' Turn San Diego's 2020 Summer Concert
Thank you to those who were able to join us on Sunday, August 9th for our FREE LIVE ONLINE CONCERT performed by Blue Hooz, an acoustic Delta blues and classic rock band! We hope all participants that tuned in enjoyed the festive music, fun rounds of trivia, and information about all of the amazing programs we offer parents and children experiencing separation. Every dollar raised at the event equaled $3, thanks to two amazing supporters who matched dollar for dollar. All money raised will support scholarships for families in need who need financial assistance in order to attend our programs. We are thrilled to announce that we surpassed our goal of $7,000 and raised over $9,500, enabling us to not only provide scholarships for our Family Workshops, but additional financial support for families to receive counseling! We are incredibly grateful for all who attended and supported our event and hope that everyone enjoyed the show! For more information on our summer scholarship program, or to make a gift, see below.
Support Kids and Their Families This Summer
What comes to mind when you think of your childhood summers? Playing outside, swimming, concerts, camps, and cookouts? Summer is time to relax and have fun. Yet for children of divorce, summer memories also include bouncing from house to house, missing friends and family transitions.
The Summer of 2020 is a time of great uncertainty. Businesses are closing again, there have been devastating effects on jobs, family finances and now schools are not re-opening in the Fall, resulting in parents becoming teachers and our children becoming our students. We’re hearing, “I work in a restaurant, went back to work but who knows now when I will return” and “I’m back at work but I’m so far behind in my bills, I want to attend the program but I just can’t afford it without help”.
THIS IS WHERE YOU CAN HELP! YOU can make it possible for every child and family to attend our programs without anyone worrying about finances. YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE RIGHT NOW!
Your gift of $600 ensures that children and both their parents attend our programs without additional financial worries. With a gift of $300, you support a parent and their child and YOU eliminate financial worries.