Getting Back to School: Be The Growth For You and Your Family

Written by Family Workshop Teen Graduate

Have you been enjoying your summer? Well KTSD sure hopes you have!

Getting up at 6:30, falling asleep over breakfast, and getting dropped off at 8:27 just in time to make it to first period; It’s all part of the hectic day-to-day which is school. Imagine packing your bag for your dad’s house, realizing you left your favorite top in your mom’s washer, and forgetting where you put your math homework. Either of these situations is stressful, but put them together and the day becomes a little longer, homework a little harder, and the weight you carry a little heavier. These two schedules combined can easily be the routine for any child of divorce.

Now instead, picture this:

A fresh shower in the morning, a good breakfast, and fresh-smelling pencils you got for your English class. Your dad is responsible for a peaceful drive to school with your favorite song playing in the background. You realized you left your math homework at your mom’s house, so she kindly offered to drop it off at the front desk for you.

Simple ways to make the day less stressful can be as straightforward as having some kindness. Lend a helpful hand for your co-parent, work with them for your child instead of against them for the last word. Sometimes the best way to help is to be available during the hard moments and do the small simple tasks that can easily be forgotten. It can also mean being the bigger person and agreeing to disagree.

Switching over to the school season is always an adjustment, whether you’re a parent or a child. Having patience, perseverance, and the ability to problem solve can make any school day better, and with a change in perspective, you can also help you help yourself. By looking at the positives you can turn a challenge into a triumph, and stressors into propellers. Get a planner, write things down in your notes app, and use your reminders. Switching houses can be difficult for your children, so make it easier by starting good habits. Use KTSD as the foundation for your growth.

Start making good habits by breaking bad ones, and be the growth for you and your family.  

Have a great start to the school year!

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