Honor Your Children & Strengthen Your Family

Written by a Family Workshop Teen Graduate & KTSD Staff

Every child deserves to feel loved and supported. 

While every day is a good day to provide your child with both, the first Saturday of April is National Love Your Children Day, which is dedicated to appreciating and celebrating all children! This national day encourages loving relationships with our children. The purpose is to honor children and strengthen families. The day is celebrated by encouraging parents to develop loving, respectful relationships with their children, so children feel valued, supported, and loved.

KTSD is committed to honoring children and strengthening families everyday! With National Love Your Children Day being 20 days away, here are 20 ideas to honor your children and strengthen your family.

  1. If your children are under 7, kneel down and look them in the eyes when talking to them so they feel like you’re connecting with them.
  2. If your children are 8 to 11, car rides can be fun connecting time by playing music or songs they like, or ones you like and teach them the words so they can sing along. 
  3. If your children are 12 to 17, invite them to ice cream, frozen yogurt, boba or Starbucks and enjoy a treat together. Teens like these types of treats and are more willing to hang out if they are doing something they enjoy. While there, avoid lots of questions and remember to be present. 
  4. Play hopscotch, tag, or other games they’re interested in. 
  5. Play board games.
  6. Read a book together. 
  7. Invite your child to read a book to you.
  8. Bake cookies.
  9. Cook dinner together.
  10. Sit down and have a family meal together.
  11. Have a dance party in your living room. 
  12. Watch a movie together.
  13. Enjoy time outdoors together – go for a bike ride, take a walk, or visit the beach.
  14. Children love to be heard. Put your “active listening” ears on.
  15. Invest in your children by not saying negative things about their other parent. 
  16. When your children come home next time, wonder what they did that was fun (rather than trying to figure out what your co-parent did). 
  17. If your children are upset about something, resist the urge to give advice and listen to help them solve their own problem. 
  18. If you find yourself frustrated, stressed, or overwhelmed, remember you have the power over your own actions and behaviors. Don’t take those feelings out on your children, consider putting yourself in time out. 
  19. Lean on your support system to help transform negative feelings into positivity and gratitude. When we sit in positivity and gratitude, children experience peace and feel valued.
  20. Children feel respected when we truly listen to them without judgement. Children feel heard and understood when we honor them with our undivided attention. 

We invite you to be creative and intentional for the next 20 days leading up to National Love Your Children Day!

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