What can we find for you?
What Are You Grateful For?

Kids’ Turn San Diego enters 2024 being more committed than ever to our mission of “promoting, supporting and securing the well-being of children experiencing family separation” and to doing whatever it takes to accomplish our mission. We see this year as one of purpose and gratitude. Our purpose is to empower children and heal families. We are grateful to those who allow us to be a part of their journey and to all who have joined our journey of creating life-changing programs for children and families.
As the year begins, we invite you to pause and reflect on a very important question … “What are you grateful for?”
Please join me in a short daily exercise, that hopefully will turn into a habit for you, and perhaps, your family.
- Place a notepad and pen next to your bed.
- Each night before you go to bed, write at least one thing down you are grateful for.
- When your child is with you the next time, do the same activity with your child (remember not to suggest they do this at their other
parent’s home, as you have no control over what happens in their other home). - Repeat each night.
A simple activity like this may change your perspective and outlook on life. I hope you will do this for at least one month (and then always)!
Kids’ Turn San Diego is grateful for being a resource to children and families. What are you grateful for today?